Eva-Maria is a Shiatsu teacher and practitioner at the ESI Institute (European Institute of Shiatsu) and IKT (Institute for Komplement Therapy), Shiatsu School in Switzerland. Her initial training in Arts and Education led her to teaching at a high school in Germany for thirteen years.
Then she turned to personal development, Shiatsu and Kinomichi, energy and body research she has been teaching for many years. She discovered the teaching of Me Noro in the late seventies and teaches Kinomichi since 1989, in Germany, Switzerland and France. She will practice there for 15 years while training through internships throughout Europe led by several Japanese masters, in particular Tada Sensei, Fujimoto Sensei and Tamura Sensei.
In 1995, she left the world of Aikido to join the teaching of Gérald Personnier, dancer and close disciple of Hikitsuchi Sensei. This is the beginning of the adventure which will bear the name of Kokyunomichi and which will last 10 years.
In parallel she meets Kunio Matsumura with whom she will share a work with the Jo (Tao of the stick).
In 2004, she joined the Kinomichi where the practice proposed by Noro Sensei opened up new research perspectives. Today, after having opened a dojo in Lausanne for a few years, she continues her practice of Kinomichi and teaches at the Geneva dojo.